Canadian Wildlife Federation completed the 2022-23 fiscal year and, once again, received a clean audit for this period. CWF efficiency ratios were well within guidelines of the Canada Revenue Agency.


Administration Expenses


Fundraising Expenses


Charitable Programs

Investments in charitable programs were $23.9 million. This investment was used to strengthen programming in areas of freshwater habitat conservation, endangered species and large marine animal protection, education programming, pollinator habitat and other terrestrial conservation.

But there is still so much to do! Let's get started...

Other Ways to Give

In Your Words...

I love the learning programs that the Canadian Wildlife Federation has – they have great ideas for getting my kids outside!

Shari Price

Hearing the news about the Right Whales deaths really hit home with me. I am confident that my donations to CWF will help these poor animals.

Nancy Bordeaux

I am proud to be a part of an organization doing such good works.

Rob Messier

Being able to be a part of Canada’s nature and wildlife conservation is a true blessing and good for the soul!

Eva Julia Panajott


Adopt-an-Animal today and be part of protecting Canada’s wildlife and landscape. The Canadian Wildlife Federation uses the proceeds from this program to fund important conservation initiatives. The $45 for each kit includes a charitable donation of $20, for which you will receive a tax receipt to claim for taxable benefit.

Corporate Giving

Organizations can support wildlife, too! Make a donation in your company’s name, consider becoming a part of Canadian Wildlife Federation projects through sponsorship or partnering, or rouse the troops and start a staff fundraiser!

Major Gifts

The Canadian Wildlife Federation is proud to partner with businesses who share our goal of conserving Canada’s wildlife as part of our natural heritage. Please contact our Major Gifts Officer to find out more about the ways your business can support the important work of CWF.


This year, instead of gifts, inspire your friends, family or co-workers to support the Canadian wildlife you love by making a donation in your name! Or have a party or workplace fundraiser! Get the tools you need to make your event a WILD success.

Legacy Giving

Remembering Canadian wildlife in your will is a wonderful way of helping to ensure that wildlife and their habitats remain an integral part of the beauty of Canada for generations to come.

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Show your support to Canadian wildlife with either a single donation or a monthly commitment to making a difference in the lives of Canadian wildlife. Thank you from all of our wild friends.